• The industry’s First Choice for multi-story heating and cooling.

  • Leading the way in the HVAC industry.

  • A long-term commitment to serving our customers.

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Manufacturing Facilities

Located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, The Whalen Company headquarters spans 144,000 square feet and is supported by 140 employees serving all of North America. 

The history of The Whalen Company underscores our commitment to purpose-driven engineering and operational efficiency.  Our design and manufacturing philosophy is grounded in the belief that customers benefit from lower project costs when field labor is transferred into a controlled factory setting.

Our goal is to make The Whalen Company not only operationally efficient, but also retain our flexibility. And thanks to our ability to adapt and upgrade where and when we need to, The Whalen Company continues to be a leader in the HVAC industry.

A Heritage of Innovation and Value

James Whalen, our founder, established The Whalen Company in 1962 when he invented, patented and began manufacturing vertical riser heat-exchanger fan coil units for residential and commercial applications.

It was James Whalen’s philosophy that customers benefit from lower project costs when field labor is transferred into a controlled factory setting.

Since the riser heat-exchanger concept was new and many contractors did not want to experiment with the system, The Whalen Company began to bid on projects as a mechanical contractor and subcontract the installation labor. After only a few jobs, contractors realized the cost savings available in providing The Whalen Company equipment and began redesigning projects to incorporate the Whalen system.

Orders soon came in from the field for hotels, apartments, condominiums and other multi-story buildings. A field sales force was established to handle inquires received from territories outside the plant's home region.

Product Line Expansion:  Water Source Heat Pumps and Beyond

The success of the Whalen fan coil product led to the development of the vertical water source heat pump in 1972. The water source heat pump provided product line diversity by offering engineers and owners an option for air conditioning and heating without the requirement of a central plant.

More recently, The Whalen Company has expanded into other equipment categories such as horizontal heat pump/air conditioners and console fan coil units.

Over the years, we have participated in thousands of projects and applications worldwide including lodging facilities, condominiums, apartments, eldercare facilities, offices, schools and dormitories.

Whalen Today

Today, The Whalen Company continues to provide solutions for new and replacement air conditioning applications. Our flexibility and expertise allow us to meet the needs of our customers by providing designs that fit the building ... rather than forcing the building to fit the equipment.


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The Whalen Company: HVAC Industry Pioneer

Established in 1962, The Whalen Company is one of America’s most innovative leaders in the commercial heating and air conditioning industry. 

As originators of vertical stacked fan coil units and heat pumps, we are committed to offering practical solutions for developers, architects and builders that reduce costs and improve performance.

The history of The Whalen Company demonstrates our commitment to purpose-driven engineering and operational efficiency.  Our design and manufacturing philosophy is grounded in the belief that customers benefit from lower project costs when field labor is transferred into a controlled factory setting.

Today, more than a half-century after our founding, The Whalen Company continues to provide solutions for new and replacement air conditioners, with a steadily increasing line of products.  We have participated in thousands of applications worldwide including hotels, motels, condominiums, apartments, senior living facilities, office buildings, schools and dormitories.

Heating and Cooling Industry Firsts

The number of industry “firsts” from Whalen is impressive.  They include:

  • The industry’s first vertical stack valveless fan coils
  • The first vertical stack heat pump offering
  • The first removable chassis ducted vertical heat pumps
  • The first AHRI-listed water-cooled air conditioning units with hydronic heat

Our flexibility and expertise allow us to meet the needs of our customers by providing a design that fits seamlessly into the building ... rather than forcing the building to fit the equipment. 

Simply put, all parties of the development community enjoy the benefits of a Whalen System – property owners, architects, engineers, builders and facilities management personnel.

Whalen Products

Product Line

We manufacture solutions for new and replacement heating and cooling applications.

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Market Applications

We engineer and manufacture vertical stack fan coil units and water source heat pumps for a wide range of applications.

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Latest News

Visit our newsroom for the latest information about what's happening at the Whalen Company.

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